Price Guide

Service Price Guide

Service, Repairs Prices are based on a blended rate of diagnosis time + build time + parts. Parts are competitively priced.
Service TypeDescriptionPrice From
Cable End RepairFix an old damaged cable. Cut away old cable and resolder or replace accordingly£12 + per end + parts
Custom CableCreate some cable. Top spec parts used as standard but you can specify as per your preference.POA
VALVE SWAP & BIASCheck and adjust bias only
Valve Swap (cathode biased amps)For amps requiring no bias adjustment (known as cathode biased) includes Vox AC30, Peavey Classic 30, Laney VC30, Fender Champ Fender Blues Junior, WEM and many other amps too. £23 + valves
Valve Swap + Bias adjustFor amps with externally accessible measurement points e.g. Ampeg SVT, Marshall DSL, TSL, Fender Twin 90s period etc where dismantling is not required.£34 + valves
Valve Swap + Dismantle + Bias adjust For amps that require dismantling to access measurement points e.g. Older Marshalls, Blackstar, Orange, Sound City, Hiwatt, Laney£46 + valves
AMP SERVICINGDeals with routine wear and and many simpler or common faults
EvaluationAn assessment of a faulty amp as to value and cost of repair.
Good for Insurance damage assessments, DIY repairs.
Light ServiceFor example
Repair of a single control panel part like switches, control pots, sockets (often better value to opt for a complete service)
Routine Valve check and bias adjustment on working amp or post sudden power valve failure.
£58 + parts
Full ServiceComprehensive check over and repairs of a predominantly working amp.
Includes minor repairs and adjustments but no, or very limited fault diagnosis.
Good for Broken front and rear panel parts like jacks and pots and identifying noisy valves. Approx parts cost based on a few jack sockets and a pre-amp valve
£86 + parts
Optional Valve Report AddOnChart of your amp's valve types, their job voltages and bias info - useful for thouse wishing to perform DIY servicing£32
AMP FAULTSPermanent and intermittent faults
RepairAs per Service and additionally includes some fault diagnosis and repair.
Good for Noisy amps (hums, rustles, cracks), Unreliable amps – cutting out, volume dips
£114 + parts
Complex RepairAmps with several faults requiring diagnosis and repair. Aimed at older amps requiring minor restoration.£136 + parts
RestorationFull Restoration of vintage amps like with multiple fault issues.
Re cap, Valve replacment, Repairs, Safety Issues dealt with.
£194 + parts
AMP MODIFICATIONSMany mods available
Mods and UpgradesVariable pricing. Note amp must be fully working before modding, that means recently serviced so that no issues are present before modding. See Mods page for more ideas. If you have seen something that you are interested in online then please make contact about and I can work out a price. variable
AMP BUILDINGGet me to build you an amp to your taste
Kit Amp BuildComplete build of kit amps as per your specification. 5E3, Plexi whatever your preference. Good Kit suppliers are: Tube Amp Doctor, Tube Town, Metropolous, Modulus, Amp-Maker, Ceriatone etc. Most suppliers will specify a typical build time. £424 + kit
Custom BuildHave your dream amp built for you.POA
ONE TO ONE TRAINING SESSIONSLearn more about amps, save money and do something that makes you feel good.
Bias your own ampLearn how your amp works, why bias matter and how to adjust your amp's bias yourself. 2 hour.£75
Fix your own pots and jack socketsLearn to repair your own gear covering front panel pots and jacks and switches. Dismantling amps and working safely, Desoldering and soldering - like a pro
and repairing cables. 3 hour.
Kit Amp coaching session.One and half hour private one on one build or diagnosis coaching session.
Fancy building a kit but uncertain about how difficult it is?
Learn the best build sequence, techniques.
Safely let me take care dangerous high voltage power up stage.
Typically allow for three to four sessions for a 5E3 style amp.
Diagnosis RateHourly rate for assessment, diagnosis and measurement.£34
Build RateHourly rate for build and rework activity.£24
Fast Track SurchargeSurcharge for quick turnaround and skipping the queue, subject to availability£25

Last updated 3 days ago.

Parts Pricing

Valve TypeBrandPrice
EZ81 / 6CA4JJ£25.50
GZ34 S/ 5AR4JJ£33.25
5Y3 SJJ£33.00
Pre Amp
ECC81 / 12AT7AJJ£22.00
ECC82 / 12AU7AJJ£21.25
ECC83S / 12AX7TJJ£18.75
6072A / 12AY7 JJ£30.50
6V6 SJJ£32.00
Panel PartsPrice
Jack SocketsCliff£4 to 6
PotsAlpha, Alps£4 to 6
Jack SocketsSwitchcraft£6.00
Latest Prices of valves and common components

Note: Valve price fluctuations are daily at the moment due to sanctions and supply chain disruption. Most popular valves kept in stock to cover gig emergencies or those in need of a backup in the Bristol, South West area.   No shipping available.
