Allen & Heath ZED 6FX Mixer

These small mixers are very popular but seem to suffer from a weakness in the power supply. With all lights going out when there is a power interruption or run from a generator. I have not found all the circumstances but most clients report something fishy with the power on site just prior to the failure.Although these are relatively cheap items it is quite a simple thing to repair. The mixer uses a “switch mode power supply” or SMPS and a lot of technicians are not comfortable working on them for one reason or another. I don’t mind SMPS as I have quite a lot of experience working on them. In the case of the ZED 6FX it is simply one of the rectifiers on the secondary side of the transformer.If you are near to Bristol then you can book it in but if you are further afield then please consider posting the item. Repair time 1.5 hours + postage a few pounds for the rectifier.
