Boutique Amp Repairs

Every now and again I am fortunate to work on some really beutifully made amplifiers. Although these amps are usually inspired by some vintage classic Fender or Marshall, it is the attention to detail that seems to make all the difference in terms of tone and playability.

Tone King Metropolitan

Take this Tone King metropolitan.  The chassis is engineered from what appears to be airplane grade alloy held together with screw that don’t round off on the second use.  The pots have a velvetty feel making you feel perfectly in control.

LazyJ J20

Simple enough 5E3 based amp with three.. err no four controls what could be simpler… Oh wait a minute round the back is a reverb with Tone, Reverb level and a Tremolo and wait there are more surprises.  The Footswitch also has level controls… This amp is a great concept adding extra modules in the cabinet keeps the amp compact but allows for lots of flexibility.  The addition of the attenuator is the attraction for me and allows you to operate the amp a all volume levels.

Build quality is excellent as is the parts with Switchcraft jacks through out, cloth wiring, solid fixings and tweed covering done to the highest standards.

Divided By 13 – JRT 9/15

An exceptionally well built amp from California where build quality oozes from every angle.  Heater wiring, components lined up like soldiers, paper wound transformers, vibration absorbing pre-amp tube mounts.  It is to die for.  See Website for details and also the extensive list of top players that are using these great amps.

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